keep connected

As a former student, you can keep up to date with the latest news and opportunities from UWE Bristol by staying connected with us.

Update Your Details

We'll use the contact details and information you provide to communicate with you as stated in our Alumni Privacy Notice. If you're a recent graduate, these details will be used to contact you to complete the Graduate Outcomes survey.

Student ID(if known)

Full Name*

If your name has changed since you last updated your details width us,please provide both names e.g. Bloggs / Smith

Email Address



Current job title

Current employer / organisation

Are you interested in any of the following?

Tick all that apply

Mentoring students

Being mentored by other alumni

Offering sponsorship / donations

Sharing a profiles, quote or success story

Speaking to students

Sign-up to UWE Bristol Alumni News?

With alumni news you'll receive the latest news, events, offers and discounts. We'll also let you know about opportunities to get involved with volunteering and fundraising activities. We'll let you know by email, digital advertising and social media.


