Public Health

Bachelor of Arts

Coursework Location(s)


Become a leader in bringing innovation and renewed opportunities to rural communities. Inspired by the needs and impact of local rural communities, the Bachelor of Arts in Applied Humanities with an emphasis in Rural Leadership and Renewal teaches students to become effective leaders in rural Arizona and beyond. Through this interdisciplinary program, students develop a range of skills spanning the humanities, innovation and entrepreneurial leadership, with a focus in agriculture. The Rural Leadership and Renewal emphasis is designed around project-based, experiential learning. Plus, through partnership with the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, students have opportunities to gain real-world experience via internships that connect them with rural communities. Like all Applied Humanities emphases, students are required to complete a career readiness course sequence, which includes pre-internship, internship and capstone classes.
Level of Math
Moderate Knowledge
4th Semester Proficiency
Pre-major Required?
Sample Plans 2020 - Public Health

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